After redesigning Ecopolitics for the New York League of Conservation Voters, I continued to design, photograph, and occasionally write and edit for this quarterly newsletter.
My design work here helped distinguish this publication from those produced by similar colleagues. Efficient use of a second color (at a time when full-color was far more expensive than it is today) helped the newsletter stand out in one’s mailbox. As with many projects, I had to be crafty in use of art resources where there were little available — which meant taking many strong cover photos from around the state or creating my own clip art to illustrate an article.
I was also happy to help edit and write articles for Ecopolitics (on such topics as Manhattan’s High Line and a local harbor school) when needed.
View my photographs for EcoPolitics and other NYLCV projects in this portfolio.
Portfolio(s): Design, Design + Edit + Photo, Editorial, Photo
Project type: Editorial Management, Newsletters
Posted: June 2006