Civic News

The Summer 2012 issue of Civic News, the newsletter of the Park Slope Civic Council, was dedicated to the memory of Everett Ortner, a leader in the revival of this Brooklyn neighborhood.

Coordinating with local elected officials and leaders in historic preservation, I generated a feature on their remembrances of this unique individual and edited another article concerning his legacy in today’s Park Slope.

Photography and design worked together especially well in this issue. I tracked down a photo of the neighborhood in the “bad old days of the 1960s,” then replicated the shot on the same street in its renovated glory today (in the gallery at right).  I also took a preservation-related photo tour of the neighborhood, which led to the panorama of Ninth Street (at right and in this portfolio) and other images. The layout held a lot of information yet never felt too dense or overwhelming.

The issue was a hit — and the first time neighbors contacted me for extra copies.

See all my Civic News issues here.


Sample images from this project:
Portfolio(s): Design, Design + Edit + Photo, Editorial, Photo
Project type: , ,

Posted: October 2012