The New York League of Conservation Voters produced a lot of data for its scorecards of the City Council’s environmental track record — grades for and votes by all 51 Council members, details of each environmental bill, and the like. My task was to make all of that information accessible and interesting within the space of a four-page document. My design succeeded, thanks to clear use of typography and color, as well as the use of my photos of New York City. (See the images I used over several NYLCV projects in this portfolio.)
Later, I adapted this design for scorecards on Suffolk County’s legislature. Since this body was half the size of New York City’s, data and text were placed on four pages measuring just 5.25 by 11 inches. All scorecards were well received and cited often by the League and other government watchdog groups.
Portfolio(s): Design, Design + Edit + Photo, Photo
Project type: Community Outreach, Reports
Posted: September 2005